Coachella Fashion: Vanessa Hudgens

I’m so in love with the fashion shown at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival this weekend in Indio, California. I’m particularily fond of the Woodstock inspired ensembles Vanessa Hudgens wore as she cozied up to her boyfriend Austin Butler.

Too costumey? Maybe, but part of you really wants to be her, right?


I’m also really loving Rihanna’s look:

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If you were 20 years old again

What would you do if you were 20 years old again? Would you point your fingers on a map and travel the globe? Fall in love?

“Que je sois tout simplement heureuse, dans tous les sens” – I’d just be happy, in every sense.

This is my hope for you this week.


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Happy Friday

Happy Friday everyone! I’m so excited because my aunt, uncle and kid cousins will be coming over from Englewood (Englehood!!), Florida today. Still getting used to not having the whole family together on holidays like Easter, so seeing them is definitely called for. I will be spending the weekend playing made-up games, fishing and of course, doling out as many hugs as my cousins will allow.

How will you be spending your weekend? Any fun plans?

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Picture Thursday: Underwater

Went to see Titanic in 3D this week, which was awesome! When it first came out I was 10 and went with my brother and our two family friends who were 11 and 14. At the time I didn’t know what I was walking into and covered my eyes for most of the end. This is why it came to some of my friends’ surprise on Tuesday how emotional the last hour of the movie made me – the assumption was that everyone had seen it.

For the past two nights my dreams have been haunted with underwater images.

Side note: does anyone else think Kate Winslet looks way older than Leo in this movie? Turns out he’s actually a year older than her. He looks so young in the movie.

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Even if you live in Florida, it’s about time to buy new swimsuits for summer. Here’s my top picks.

1. Bohemian

2. Girly

3. Vintage

4. Bombshell

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The Best Advice I Ever Got

Today I realized I live by some invisible scripts in my head left there by good advice givers. Thought I’d share in case you need some wisdom.

1. You’re not eating enough vegetables/drinking enough water. This is kind of a 2 parter. My friend Graham believes every fad diet was designed to trick you into eating more veggies. As far as water goes, my friend Stephen got me on a habit I would never want to break – drinking 2 glasses of water before bed. He also drinks a gallon of water a day, which I think is the best possible thing you can do to feel better.

2. Nothing good happens after midnight. This is something my uncle taught me long before I dictated my own bedtime. Sure, there’s nights where you stay up all night chatting with friends, or when you finally complete that huge project you’ve been working on; but usually after midnight is when there’s a crying girl in the corner, and you’ve decided to start a conga line. If I’m up at midnight, I always try to at least analyze the situation.

3. Step away. Yes, this applies to a fight, but more often I use it for projects. My ability to get work done increases significantly when (counter-intuitively) I make myself go outside for 10 minutes of fresh air.

4. Everything worth having is hard to get. You wont lose weight by buying a pill; randomly blanketing the city with uniform resumes wont get you a job; going to yoga once a week isn’t going to get you a flat stomach; and if you want a nice/funny/smart partner, you have to be nice/funny/smart. And don’t let screwing up one day ruin your entire plan. Get back to it the next day.

5. The Briefcase Technique. Really most of what Ramit Sethi says that I’ve tried has worked. The Briefcase Technique though actually made a client high-five me not once, but twice.

6. Surround yourself with passionate people. This is what I like to call the whiteboard effect. You know in those cool think tank companies when they have those huge whiteboards full of scribbled ideas? If when I’m talking to you my brain turns into one of those boards, I’m better off with you around me.

7. Don’t give up because you think you’re bad. For more information on what I mean see this.

8. Say “I feel” in a fight.The natural reaction is to point fingers in a fight , but that always escalates it. Someone once gave me this bit of advice and it stuck. The other fight-right advice I’ve received is to stick to the topic at hand (“Well last year…” arguments never play out), and to never (EVER) say or do anything that would ruin the relationship forever. I knew a guy once whose girlfriend got so mad at him for something or other and threw his dead mother’s old bible into the pool. Although it’s an extreme, I always think about that moment when I’m in a fight. It reminds me to stay classy.

9. Even when you have pains, you don’t have to be one. This is from my favorite poet, Maya Angelou.

10. Don’t eat the roast beef from Arby’s. Just. Don’t. Do. It.

Do you have any advice that’s stuck with you?

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French Bulldog Love

The odds of me being able to get a Great Dane in a rental place in Minneapolis is probobly slim. I’ve decided instead to get a French Bulldog. So cute, wouldn’t you agree?

Happy Monday!

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Polka Dots

1. Boxer

2. Scarf

3. Skimmers

4. Crop Pants

5. Swim Top

6. Puppy

7. iPhone cover

How will you be wearing polka dots this spring?

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Brand Spirit

Would you recognize an object you see everyday if it was stripped of all it’s color and branding? That’s the question brand strategist Andrew Miller set out to find when he started Brand Spirit.

“Every day for 100 days, I will paint one branded object white, removing all visual branding, reducing the object to its purest form. Each object may be purchased for less than $10, something I own, something another person gives me, or something I find.” – Andrew Miller

1. Heinz

2. Maxell

3. Duracell

4. Red Stripe

5. Trojan

6. Livestrong


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Brigitte Bardot

So in love with Brigitte Bardot’s style right now. Can you resist her retro winged eyelashes and perfectly tousled hair? It’s OK, no one can.

“I have not always loved wisely, but I was young.” – Brigitte Bardot

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