Great Cover Photos for Facebook

Here are 10 great cover photos for Facebook timeline to get you inspired:

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Trending: Colored Skinnys

Spring is here!!–and with it has come a ton of colored skinnys. I’ll be wearing mine with sky high platforms and casual t-shirts. Check out these other ideas:

For more outfit ideas, see my Pinterest board.

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Picture Thursday: Movement

As you may know, food poisoning from a tapas restaurant I ate at last Thursday left me mostly immobile this weekend. I recovered in time to enjoy a lot of cubicle time this week. What’s on my mind right now? Movement.

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Sweetapolita Cakes

I am currently deeply in love with the website Sweetapolita. Check out these awesome cakes:

Click here for recipe

Click here for recipe

GF note: To make gluten-free make sure you replace the all-purpose flour with a gf one. You can get mixes at a store, but I get the best results when I just make my own:

Like your dessert with a little liquor? I can’t wait for an occasion to try these babies out:

Click here for recipe

GF note: All of Three Olives flavored vodkas are gluten-free. For cake mix, I use Bob’s.


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Disney Reimagined

How would you depict your favorite Disney characters? I love these Disney reimagined prints.

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St Patty’s Day Outfit

Make a statement with a Hometown Heroes Tee

For the trek to the bar bring a Flask

For some extra luck, put on this Gold Twisted Horseshoe Necklace

Keep things festive in a Tutu

Don’t want your trousers falling down. Make sure you clip on your Suspenders

You’ll probably be walking a lot. Skip the heels and lace on  these All Star Core Low Sneakers

Nothing makes green pop like red. Try High Impact Lip Colour

Drink responsibly!

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March Reading List

While Minnesota was having great weather last weekend, Florida was experiencing tons of rain. So, naturally I read 2 teen lit books in entirety. Next up on the agenda:

StrengthsFinder 2.0: Lately I’ve been looking around at people on LinkedIn that have my dream jobs to see how they got there. A lot of people I’ve looked at have their strengths from this test on there, so I decided to see if I have what it takes, personality wise. Pretty sure I’ll get “woo” for one.


The Night Circus: It is my understanding that this is about two true magicians (no tricks) are put against each other in a battle to the death, only they might be in love? Sounds kind of like Hunger Games.


Speaking of, the books I couldn’t put down this weekend:


Hunger Games: The movie is coming out this month, and I love adaptations of popular media. By the way, you should read this Wall Street Journal article about it. I need to get book 2.


The Perks Of Being a Wallflower: My friend has a tattoo of a quote from this book which had an effect tattoo’s rarely have–I went to the book store. Love how many great insights into human behavior there in there. My favorite quote from the book: “I just hope I remember to tell my kids that they are as happy as I look in my old photographs. And I hope that they believe me.” Oh, and they’re also coming out with a movie adaption staring Emma Watson

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Strange Barbies

I appear to be on a holiday kick after purchasing my ticket to Chicago for St Patty’s Day next weekend, but today is National Barbie Day! In honor I have included the strangest barbies of all time:

Share a Smile Barbie

In 1997 Mattel released a wheelchair bound Barbie in the interest of being inclusive. It was great until a child with cerebral palsy brought up the point that Barbie’s Dream house was not wheelchair accessible.


Pregnant Midge

The idea behind this wasn’t bad. “How do I teach my daughter about child birth? Oh, Mattel created a Barbie just for my predicament!” The reason it got pulled though wasn’t because it had a weird magnetic belly with a plastic baby inside that the child could pull out themselves when it’s time to deliver. It was because Midge was originally marketed as a teenager, so making her pregnant was a bit of a PR issue.


Tokidoki Barbie Doll

Who cares that you can’t legally get a tattoo until age 18. Barbie’s hip. Just an FYI though, it’s $444.


Oreo Fun Barbie

What started out as a simple cross-promotional product turned into quite a controversy. Apparently no one at Nabisco or Mattel realized “Oreo” was a derogatory term. Fail.


Barbie Foosball

This wasn’t created by Mattell, but instead by a French designer. This is either incredibly cool or incredibly creepy, based on the time of day.

Do you have a favorite Barbie?

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Happy International Women’s Day!

This year the UN theme for International Women’s Day is Empower Women – End Hunger and Poverty. I suggest you celebrate by donating or getting involved with UN Women—it’s what Reese Witherspoon would do. I also like to pretend like today is Valentines Day come around again, so feel free to send pink cupcakes this way.

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