Was there an actress at the MTV Movie Awards last night that was cooler than Emma Stone? I flipped on the awards last night when Hulu suddenly decided to stop streaming Psych last night, and woah, am I getting old? Through the mess of men wearing pre-prohibition head attire (Johnny Depp), actors suddenly picking up a guitar and declaring their rock stardom (Johnny Depp) and awkward acceptance speeches (Johnny Depp) – only one thing stood out to be as genuine.
I’ve been a fan of Emma Stone’s for awhile (I think Easy A probobly sealed the deal), so this wasn’t like an epiphany, but her speech for MTV Trailblazer was flawless. Where most mumbled about their costars and tried to figure out something funny to say, Stone told an audience of riveted teenagers that what makes them weird might look like a burden now, but it’s actually the best thing about them. Not to mention, her list of trailblazing heroes included the likes of Bill Murrey and Charlie Chaplin. My girl crush used to be a tie between Mila Kunis and Zooey Deschanel, but I think this one just blew straight past them.
Also, how did Stone and Ryan Gosling not win for Best Kiss in “Crazy, Stupid, Love?” That movie was awesome.